So now that you are reading this article, you probably have had gone through the stress of the medical school, the ever-lasting hours of studying and the intense pressure of scoring well in the exams. And so now, you are in the inches away from the finish line and your dream of becoming a doctor that you have nurtured for almost a decade is now going to be fulfilled. And before you reach this finish line, you are left with confronting this biggest yet the most rewarding challenge, the clinical elective in USA.

During your days of medical electives in USA, you are treated equivalent to that of a doctor and get the hands on experience in the first place. You get to try out those areas of specialties that hold your interests and probably those too which do not. These elective in USA are a way of analyzing the candidate’s diligence and persistency but at the same time cause a great deal of stress as well. And it won’t bother you much because of the experience you have gained, thanks to the many challenges faced by every medical student. But there are certain pointers that one can take into use to work out your medical electives in USA.

We have gathered some insights from the doctors who not only survived this period but flourished during these medical electives in USA.

  • Many students get discouraged due to the fact that they willbe doing their elective in USA in an area of specialty they haven’t planned to opt for the long term. But don’t be a part of this crowd and make a commitment to your work and try to work on it as much as you can. As you will hear from most of the doctors who have been through this phase, all of them would suggest you to be immerse yourself into the work.
  • Never take decisions too early. Always keep yourself open to opportunities. Even if you have already planned which specialty you want to choose in the residency program, there are still chances that during the medical electives in USA, you may get introduced to other areas of disciplines which would excite you as much as you preplanned area of specialty do.
  • Consider your patients as your teachers. This is because once you get into the life of a doctor; the time you will be spending with the patients would be very limited. And the memories you will be creating with these patientshold the least probability to occur again in the future. It is the patients who can tell the true qualities of a doctor and they can teach you more than anyone else about what it takes to be a good doctor.
  • Act like a student. The responsibilities on the shoulders of a medical student are comparatively lesser than that of a resident or a physician. Moreover, the main job of a medical student during the elective in USA is to learn as much as he can. Although these medical electives in USA can be very strenuous, their primary objective is to impart knowledge. Focus should be on sharpening one’s skillset and grasp as much knowledge as one can, rather than getting involved into competition and comparing yourself to other medical folks.
  • Always be punctual. Although this advice seems to be negligible, it is worth giving emphasis. Keep in mind that being punctual is a part of professionalism and this is what the committee analyzes in the end. It is indeed a small advice but capable of making a big difference in your attitude.
  • Build some professional habits and adhere to them. The intense environment created by the medical school through hours-long lectures, exams, weekly tests, etc. leave the students with little or sometimes no time at all to build some habits essential for the clinical rotations. So to start off with these habits of professionalism, reach your place early,well-dressed and properly groomed. And slowly get into some fundamental habits such as encouraging teamwork, usage of proper language, managing criticism, etc.
  • Say NO to procrastination! Never consider these clinical duties as easy to manage because as preparing for the exam and learning skills on a daily basis requires attending each of these elective in USA. So make sure you learn juggling such things early so that it would reap great benefits in the end.

Now here comes the golden advice for you! While you attend these medical electives in USA, try to not get stressed and try to keep yourself as calm as possible. The journey would feel like an uphill battle, but there have been doctors who have gone through this before you. So there’s no chance for you to lose hope. Once a person start prioritizing his goals, maintains utmost focus on learning, and takes proper care ofone’s self, then there are lesser chances of him to survive there medical elective in USA, but significant chances to thrive during your clinical rotations.

Moksh has partnered with many ACGME Accredited hospitals for clinical rotation in case you are interested to apply for clinical rotation with help of Moksh Expert Guidance contact our expert USMLE on 7024240996



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