Are NEET and AIPMT the same?
Exams! Exams! Exams! So many of them. All of them at almost the same time too. Aiming for medicine? If yes, then you have got to know the difference between NEET and AIPMT. NEET is National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test & AIPMT: All India Pre-Medical/Dental Test.
NEET is a national level single medical entrance exam conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). Eligible candidates can apply for MBBS and BDS admissions. This is an exam for all India quota seats, state government seats, state/management/ NRI seats in private, government medical colleges as well as deemed universities. The exam this year is on the_____. You can attempt NEET three times, starting from this year. The NEET question paper is available in various languages like English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, Kannada and many others so as to make sure that the students studying in their regional languages do not face a problem. Language shall not be a barrier for your growth. The application form for NEET, 2018 was open from _____ to _____.
Students belonging to the age group of 17-25 can take the exam. Changes in the form can be made online only. NEET will have only one paper scheduled, after which the admissions will take place. According to KOTA analysis, NEET will be tougher than AIPMT. NEET will be held for 100% seats for all medical colleges across the country. It is categorised into 2 merit lists. The major portion (85%) is for the state quota and the minor portion (15%) is for the national quota.
The All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance (AIPMT) was an annual medical entrance exam admission for medical and dental courses like MBBS and BDS at several medical colleges across the country. It was conducted by CBSE.
AIPMT was conducted for admission to 15% of the total seats in all medical and dental colleges in India run by Central and State governments/local authorities except in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Telangana. About 6.3 lakh people registered for AIPMT in 2016. About 3,000 MBBS seats and 250 BDS seats were available under the exam.
NEET and AIPMT Differences
NEET covers a larger range of seats in the medical colleges. NEET is a centralized exam unlike AIPMT. Lesser number of medical/BDS seats will remain unused. AIPMT had two papers. The first test, Prelims, followed by the Main exam. NEET has a single paper.
In 2012, NEET was conducted for the first time replacing AIPMT, which was restored later in 2013. This year, again, AIPMT has been replaced by NEET. In AIPMT 2016, many candidates were not given a chance to apply. Every student can apply for NEET, 2018. The syllabus, eligibility criteria and other information needed is put up on the NEET official website. Counselling of NEET is organised by Medical Counselling Committee. Candidates who obtain 50th percentile are eligible for the counselling.
AIIMS Exam Pattern
AIIMS ask 200 questions in 3 hrs 30 mins.
Physics-60| Chemistry-60| Biology-60| General Knowledge-20.
Equal weight-age given to all three subjects.
General knowledge is crucial in this exam.
NEET Exam Pattern
NEET ask 180 questions in 3 hrs.
Physics-45| Chemistry-45| Biology-90.
More weight-age given to Biology subject.
General knowledge is not important in this exam.