Learn With Fun Tours

The segment of MOKSH Overseas Youth Travel programs & Educational Travel packages caters to the youngsters in the age-group of 13 – 15 years is termed as LEARN WITH FUN TOURS.

An ideal International Education Travel program for the kids of this age could be nothing less than Summer Camps in destinations as breathtaking and fun as Switzerland.

MOKSH Overseas Youth Travel programs & Educational Travel packages present Summer Camps for teens, an experience of a life time that will impart Cultural awareness, linguistic cognizance, adventure activities and tons of fun.

A Summer Camp finder search will yield a number of local Summer Camps for kids but you can easily value an affordable Summer Camp in Switzerland.

MOKSH Overseas offers spring and winter Camps too and the seasonal differences offer different experiences. Moksh Summer Camps packages come in three durational forms – 2, 3 and 4 weeks.

MOKSH Overseas Summer Camps is the most popular in this category as it is in sync with the School Holidays in India. The Summer Camps are organized in the vicinity of the Alps, one of the most picturesque and visited mountain ranges in the world.

Why Should You Attend Moksh Summer Camps?

Why Summer Camps are important would be a good question to put up at this juncture.

Summer Camps are a carefully designed set of circumstances and activities intended to create pre-meditated learning outcomes enriching the young minds of the Campers personally, culturally, academically, physically and socially.

  • Assistance to nurture a Unique Interest
    The creative young minds nowadays have a varied set of interests owing to the Globalization of Interests in the shrinking world.
    At Moksh, experts have structured Summer Camps for kids in such a way that the youngsters can get the opportunity to develop their special productive interests and become skilled in them.
  • Breaking Stereotypes
    More often than not, a youngster has exposure to a set pattern of life and environment that causes her/him to be branded as quiet or naughty or unskilled.
    The Moksh Summer Camps for teens ascertains that the participants get different set of challenges and Environment so that they get ample opportunity to break the stereotypes and discover more aspects to their personalities.
  • Discovering hitherto unknown abilities
    From above, it follows that one can’t be aware of the existence of a particular quality until the activity she/he is engaged in an activity that presents a situation that calls for a different course of action to be taken up requiring an ability that never surfaced before.
    About Summer Camps conducted by Moksh, a priority is to make sure that the set of activities the kids are subjected to are diverse enough to create a need for them to exercise every faculty which results in bringing to the fore any hidden talents in the participants.
  • Creating many long-term Friendships
    When a participant suddenly discovers a new area of interest, he gets closer to an entirely new set of acquaintances already immersed in that activity.
    Summer Camps in India may not be that well devised but Moksh Summercamps are created to ensure that this healthy reshuffling occurs automatically and unhindered.
  • Avoiding Inactivity – Intellectual & Physical
    Summers in India are vacations and mostly the schools are closed resulting in a vacuum that leads to enhanced physical and mental inertia for the students. Though temporary, this state leads to ill-health and reluctance to get back to previous state once the schools open.
    A Moksh affordable summer camp is ideal to break this state of inaction and to subject the students to a period of healthy and enjoyable mental & physical exercise and you would be surprised to know how many kids go to Summer Camp for this reason.
  • Inculcating authentic independence and self-reliance
    However common place it may seem, there is no denying the fact that a test of real self dependence takes place only when a kid is actually separated from the doting parents for a substantial length of time.
    Needless to say, during the Moksh inexpensive Summer Camps for teenagers, the kids rapidly tend to become independent and get acquainted with themselves at a different level.
  • Tasting success at new endeavors
    Like it was said before, an opportunity to try out one’s hand at new things is always welcome. When a youngster tries out her/his hand at something new and succeeds, even marginally, it bolsters the confidence to unimaginable levels.
    When a student returns from a Moksh Summer Camp, it is almost a surety that she/he will be carrying hordes of confidence in more than one endeavor that undeniably has the potential to change the course of her/his life.
  • Breeding ground of creativity
    Another very crucial reason why Summer Camp is important is that very few other engagements would boost the creativity of a young mind better than when you find a summer camp for kids.
    So, Moksh Camps this summer would equip the lucky participants with exemplary creativity that would open up many novel opportunities for life.
  • Generating essential humane attributes
    A stay at the Moksh Summer Camps for kids instills realization.
    It dawns upon the participants what value parents and home have. They also get acquainted with feelings of gratitude and appreciation. Priceless!
  • Pushing up Academic performance
    All the above mentioned factors contribute to enhanced Academic performance, directly or indirectly.

Why Moksh?

MOKSH Overseas is one of the Top Foreign Education Advisor in India, known ubiquitously for its honest, transparent modus operandi. Moksh is equally popular for the innovative and unique approach to any endeavor it takes up. Owing to the rich experience of almost a decade in the field of Foreign Education, Moksh is well versed in the art of blending Education and Travel and thereby, provide the youth in India, a memorable and productive Global Exposure.

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