Pros and Cons of Doing MBA in Germany

When it comes to pursuing higher studies abroad, Germany often remains the first choice for many. Though Germany has been a dream study destination for engineering students, you can also look for pursuing degrees like MBA in Germany. The country has always earned acclaims for being extremely welcoming towards overseas learners. Plus, the degrees earned there has global recognition. Yet, before you choose the place for pursuing your MBA, you might want to take notes from the students who have already been there.


Germany, And MBA?

Surprisingly, the demand and craze for studying management among German students have been quite low, if compared to the rest of the world. That is why there were not many top graded colleges offering the degree. However, in recent years:

  • The country has undergone unprecedented growth in her MBA programs.
  • Depending on the country you belong to, studying MBA in Germany can be relatively cheap.
  • If you wish to pursue a career in Western Europe, then any degree in Germany would have an extra advantage. So your management degree in Germany will definitely have some value.
  • You can also develop some local connections that would help to boost up your career.



Enhancing Your Work Experience

While pursuing an MBA in Germany, you do have the option to go for on-job training. This gives you a chance to have a working knowledge of the lessons that you are studying. Also:

  • Even joining a start-up can give you good working knowledge.
  • You get the chance to work in different ambience.
  • It would also go a long way to adjust to the European working culture.



Working Environment in Germany

Germany is a culturally rich country, and students who pursue an MBA here gets the advantage of mingling in a cosmopolitan environment.

  • Also, Germany is a very safe country for foreigners.
  • You can enjoy a vibrant nightlife, and enjoy taking part in various cultural programs.
  • The local people, as well as youths, are friendly and accommodating. This makes staying more comfortable for international students.



An Option for Self Growth

Studying MBA in Germany gives you plenty of option for self-growth.

  • The teachers give you a chance to hone your personal and intellectual skills.
  • If you love experimenting and always eager to explore something new, then the professors would give you full motivation and support.
  • You also get a chance to choose from a range of career-oriented options.
  • Also, a number of companies collaborate with several companies.
  • The study program combines a perfect balance of theoretical and practical know-how.



Getting Admission in a College

Securing admission for MBA in Germany involves lesser hassle. Most of the colleges offering MBA in Germany do not require their students to qualify in the GRE/ GMAT entrances. However, you will need to pass the TOEFL exam if English is not your native language. It is sufficient if you have passed your three years degree and preferably have two years of working experience.


Earning after Learning

Germany surely gives a clear advantage over studying in other universities in Europe and the USA

  • You get one and a half years of clear time to find placement even after completing your degree.
  • However, in the case of European universities, you will have the chance to look for a job until your students' visa remains valid.


What Is Not So Good?

Despite all the advantages of studying MBA in Germany, there are some obvious drawbacks of studying here.

  • First of all, there are not too many high profile MBA schools in Germany.
  • Some colleges for MBA in Germany has already closed down due to less number of students and lack of fund.
  • Then again, many colleges do not have international recognition. Hence, you have to be a little bit careful while choosing a college that suits your career goals.
  • Also, check whether the curriculum of your chosen colleges complements to the true definition of business management.

Very few colleges offer rankings and on-campus placement while pursuing MBA in Germany. But as discussed before, the country offers different opportunities to fill in the lacunae.

Again, the concept of MBA in Germany is not as popular as it is in Singapore, the UK, the USA, as well as in India. So, in the job market, you are likely to get the same treatment that the Masters with any other discipline would receive.

The Bottom Line

Germany is one of the top destinations in Europe for higher education. The country has all the infrastructure and career-oriented subjects to offer. Studying MBA in Germany might have a few drawbacks. Yet, there are different ways to make up for that. What you need to do is to research very well on the institution where you want to seek admission. Once you make it, there is no reason to look back.