Following the seemingly benevolent initiative of the NTA to give the power of choosing the questions in NEET to the aspirants, many parents and students have caste a doubt on the ‘Changed NEET Pattern’ its structure and utility.

These concerns are not entirely baseless and do need to be taken care of instantly. The major concerns raised by these folks include:

- While evaluating the score in the 10 questions that are to be answered after choosing from a pool of 15 questions, will the concept of Negative Marking apply?

- If a student answers all the 15 questions in the Section B, will the first 10 questions be considered or only of those questions which were answered correctly?

- Since the students will be assessing 20 extra questions as choices, shouldn’t there be extra time?

- Another popular demand is that of a ‘Reading Space’ of 15 min in which the students can read the questions and familiarize themselves with them that will help them to tune up for taking the 180 min test.

The number of examination centers has been increased for NEET 2021, however, the scoring is same – Each question has 04 marks and if one gets a question wrong, she loses 01 mark.