Choosing to do MBBS abroad entails a massive change. A lot of crucial factors will alter drastically, when you choose a country for doing MBBS in abroad.
Keep in mind that conditions vary tremendously from country to country. To study MBBS in abroad is a matter of 5 to 6 long years, one need to be prepared mentally and physically. It’s not about surviving. It’s about living healthy and happy. Here are some points to study MBBS abroad worth noting:
Climatic Condition
You cannot disagree that spending even one night at a strange place can be a challenge. You will be changing your country. So the most important thing to change is the climate.
Invariably you will be exposed to a much severe cold. India is tropical. Popular destinations are mostly temperate. This means that you need to prepare to bear the cold. MOKSH always provides admissions to MBBS in foreign countries where the amenities are world class. This means that you will be in centralized heating most of the time. However, when you travel locally, never take the cold lightly. Layers of clothing with protection against rains are very important. MOKSH will brief you regarding these before your departure for MBBS in other countries.
The second most important change will be the food. The population of these destination countries is a different race. Their habits, most importantly the foods, are very different. MOKSH ensures availability of Indian food in the hostels. However, if you stay independently it will be in your best interest to learn elementary cooking. Also it is advisable to keep ‘desi’ snacks.
Remember food can be very expensive in a developed country.
Another factor which will change drastically is the language. If you are going to do MBBS studies in US it will be easier as English is the first language. However, when you choose China, Russia or Ukraine you need to prepare. Undoubtedly, MOKSH will provide those MBBS universities where the medium instruction is English. But you need to interact with local people who understand Mandarin, Russian or Ukrainian. You will do good to learn basic sentences in the native language. Keep in mind; it is not easy to learn a new language. It cannot happen overnight. Be patient and carry a notebook or something for reference. Mostly, people understand English. So, make sure that you have some command over it,
These are the big ones. Other smaller changes will take place. Pedagogy will be a bit different. Social etiquettes are also important but these can be handled. MOKSH urges you to take note of the above three. Preparation is always better than improvisation.